Sss level
Description and equivalence of ski levels.
You have never skied or surfed.
For children from 4 years onwards.

Snow garden
Equivalence in France : Bear cub
Practical info
Determine your level before booking your course.
You know how to stop, turn and take the ski lifts by yourself.
For children from 4 to 5 years old.

Blue prince
You know how to slide, to brake or make slight turns in snowplow.
Equivalence in France :

Blue king
You turn into a snowplow and easily take the ski lifts.
Equivalence in France :
1st star

Blue Star
You know how to turn with ease and finish your turns in parallel.
Equivalence in France :
1st star +
You descend a red track in parallel turns.

Red Prince
You can cross the slopes and know how to skid with parallel skis, you descend the blue slopes in parallel turns.
Equivalence in France :
2nd star

Red king
You descend a red track in parallel short turns.
Equivalence in France :
3rd star

Red Star
Very good parallel turns.
Equivalence in France :
3rd star +
You know how to make the parallel turn in snow and master all sorts of snow.
You learn easy jumps with cool tricks.

Black Prince
Carving, short turns on difficult tracks.
Equivalence in France :
Bronze star

Black King / academy
Jump, short bend variants, cut bend variants.
Equivalence in France :
Silver start/Gold star